The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
St. Nicholas on-the-Hudson
"Church with an Open Heart"
Social Concerns
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns
The Diocesan Committee on LGBT Concerns promotes the visibility, equality and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning Episcopalians and their families in the diocese of New York.
Racial Justice
Recommended Readings on Race in America
The Episcopal Church's Stance on Reparations
The New York Diocesan Reparations Committee was created by the 330th Diocesan Convention in response to three 2006 General Convention resolutions calling on dioceses to respond to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its aftermath of segregation and discrimination. The role of the Reparations Committee is to collect and document information on the complicity of the Diocese of New York in the institution of slavery and its subsequent history of segregation and discrimination.
Sermon of the Bishop at the Service of Apology for Slavery
Domestic Violence
Research shows that 7 out of 10 victims of domestic abuse start seeking help from their religious community.
One in four women in the United States is a victim of domestic abuse at some time in her life. Domestic violence cuts across all divisions of class, race, and ethnicity. Often it is a hidden issue in the church, because it is rarely preached about. Rarely are there indications on church websites or on bulletin boards that this is an issue of concern. As a result there are no signals to a victim that this is a safe place to go for counsel and support. Women and men who are being abused need to know that they can find a safe place in our congregations to make their needs known. We have to send them signals that we understand what they are going through and we are there to help.
Click for Resources
Women's Rights
BP Curry's Statement on Roe v Wade
Asylum Seekers
Learn about providing aid to Asylum Seekers
Safe Church Training
Safe Church training is one way the Diocese of New York seeks to fulfill this pastoral mandate to care for God’s people. The Diocese uses an online curriculum facilitated by Praesidium Academy to provide the knowledge and expertise needed to nurture welcoming and safe communities.
Credit Union Task Force
The Episcopal Diocese of NY has created the Credit Union Task Force to establish the charter and operations for the proposed New York Episcopal Federal Credit Union. The credit union will serve New York Episcopalians and those who receive services from our ministries with a missional focus for those with limited or no access to other banking services.
St. Nicholas is proud to have contributed to this important endeavor!