Parish Leadership
The Rt. Rev. Matthew F. Heyd, Bishop of the Diocese of New York
The Rev. Leigh Hall, Rector
The Vestry
Steph Mortimer, Senior Warden (2026); Greg Freeman, Junior Warden (2027); Joe Haubrich, II, (2025); Dorothy Jackson, Clerk & Volunteer Sunday School Coordinator (2025); Ted Obligado (2025); Leslie Batta (2024); Kristy Tilley (2027); Anne Unflat (2027); Marisa Malandrakis (2026); Susan Meagher (2026); Sean White (2027)
Carolyn Norman
Our Staff
Dana Weber, Parish Administrator
Carolyn Mangini, Bookkeeper
Kimberly Steuber, Nursery Attendant
Meet the Rector

Mtr. Leigh Hall was instituted as rector of St. Nicholas in 2017. Prior to that, she lived and worked in the Diocese of Georgia for eight years, both in diocesan and parish ministry. She graduated from the Virginia Theological Seminary in 2009. As she was discerning the call to become a rector -- and beginning the search process in earnest -- some trusted clergy colleagues asked if she'd checked out St. Nicholas, New Hamburg. Her curiosity piqued, she submitted her application materials on St. Nicholas' Day 2016, and then enjoyed watching the Holy Spirit work as this true call between priest and parish made itself known, loud and clear.
Her love for the Hudson Valley was immediate. Growing up in the Deep South, she longed to live in a place with a real autumn, snow on the ground at Christmas, and unfettered access to maple syrup. She found a home in small church ministry and began to grow and cultivate the deep relationships that have become the hallmark of her vocation. She especially enjoys working with children; teaching others about the faith and The Episcopal Church; the liturgy, including singing the service from time to time; and hearing people's stories as she walks alongside them in pastoral ministry. Recent spiritual passions have included the development of a Caregivers' Support Group for parishioners and community members who provide care for loved ones with chronic or terminal illnesses. Mtr. Leigh serves as a Mentor with Backstory Preaching and savors regular trips to the Holy Cross Monastery just across the river for reflection, retreat, and spiritual direction. She is a probationary associate of the order and anticipates becoming a full associate in 2025. Mtr. Leigh has been the dean of the Dutchess deanery and clericus since June 2023.
In 2019, Mtr. Leigh met the love of her life, Edmund Roberts, and exactly one year to the day later, she married him in St. Nick's. In 2022, they welcomed their beloved son, Solomon. They own a home on the Southside of Poughkeepsie, together with their Boxer rescue called Scout; a black and white domestic shorthair named Bianca; two snails and several aquarium fish. As a University of Georgia graduate, Mtr. Leigh is a diehard Bulldawg fan, but as an MSW student in the Graduate School of Social Services at Fordham University, she has recently developed a lesser allegiance to the Fordham Rams. She enjoys learning about dignity, owns too many fountain pens, and has kept numerous houseplants alive for years.