Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!
Here are some FAQs for those who are new or interested in visiting our church
What should I expect when I arrive?
St. Nicholas is a small Episcopal faith community serving the hamlet of New Hamburg and surrounding areas in Dutchess County. We are a loving, outwardly-facing church family where God is present, the Bible is faithfully taught, and you can grow in your faith and in holy friendship with people of all ages and backgrounds.
We would like to get to know you and would love to have you join us in the undercroft / downstairs after the service for coffee and a snack (see the newsletter/Myra Mail for details). Please fill out a visitor card if you’d like us to get in touch after your visit (you can leave it in the pew or hand it to any parishioner at coffee hour).
Are children welcome?
Children are encouraged to participate in Sunday worship. Children ages 5-12 can participate in Sunday school for the first part of the service. After their lessons for the day, they join the service in the main church with their families before Communion. For children 4 and younger (not yet in Kindergarten), we have a professional educator on site for nursery care in the undercroft located just below the church. You can enter by coming down the stairs to the right of the altar (or outside at the lower level entrance).
What about communion?
We celebrate Holy Communion at all services. All baptized christians are welcome to receive Communion, including children. However, all are welcome and encouraged to come forward for a blessing.
How long will the service last?
The services are generally about an hour long. Please do introduce yourself to the clergy as you enter/exit and stop by the undercroft after the service for refreshments and fellowship during coffee hour.
What should I wear?
Dress comfortably for the season of the year. “Sunday best” attire is optional; most parishioners choose to wear casual clothes to Sunday worship services, Sunday School classes and other church events.
Is there parking available?
There are several spots available directly in front of the church and street parking is available. Please be mindful of where you park ensuring we do not block our neighbor’s driveways or gravel lots. Thank you!
What if I have other questions about the church?
Please contact our church office at 845-297-2010 or via email: stnicholasnewhamburg@gmail.com
If you wish to visit with a member of the St. Nick’s vestry or our rector, our office administrator can put you in contact with them.