Christian Education
According to the Episcopal church, Christian education or “Formation” is the “lifelong growth in the knowledge, service and love of God as followers of Christ…informed by Scripture, Tradition and Reason”. As a lifelong process the Christian Education program at St. Nicholas on-the-Hudson is all encompassing and includes children, youth and adults.
For the very smallest members-Nursery Care!
Professional nursery care is available for children from birth up to 5 years old
Sunday School (For children ages 5-11)
During the academic year, sunday school meets during the first part of the service in the undercroft from 10am-10:45ish. Children will then go up to the sanctuary and join their families to participate in the communion experience.
The curriculum helps to educate children using the lectionary. Through Bible stories and crafts, children will begin to learn what it means to be a Christian/Episcopalian.
In addition, throughout the year the children engage in outreach projects – an annual summer Read-a-Thon to support the church in Darbonne, Haiti; Episcopal Relief and Development’s Gifts for Life Program; Episcopal Charities food collection; Christmas offerings to local families in need, and more. We strive to cultivate social awareness all year long.
Sunday school adjourns for the summer and every June we host a VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL/VBS program with a new and exciting theme each year for children ages 5-11. Check out our newsletter for more information.
Youth Ministry (Grades 7-12)
Youth Group – Tweens and Teens in grades 7-12 are encouraged to become involved.
This group, under the leadership of Steph Mortimer, Janine Gauzza and Edmund Roberts, meets twice a month for study, team building, service and fellowship.
Confirmation – This is an opportunity for Jr. High youth to renew the vows their parents made at their Baptism and to affirm their faith. Confirmation classes are scheduled and dependent upon the visit of the Bishop to the church.
Adult Ministry
Mother Leigh offers a number of adult formation opportunities on a seasonal basis starting in September that can be found in our Newsletter/Myra Mail.
There are typically classes available for adults wishing to become members of the church.
Children and Family Resources
Faith at Home A web site designed for Episcopal parents who wish to encourage and support faith development in the home.
Youth Ministry Resources for Faith Development in Teens
d365 A devotional web site designed for youth with a weekly theme accompanied by contemplative music;includes scripture, prayer, devotional thought; supported by the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
My Faith My Life A website for Episcopal teens who want to explore their faith.
Safe Church Training
“The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also.” (I John 4:21).
Safe Church training is one way the Diocese of New York seeks to fulfill this pastoral mandate to care for God’s people. The Diocese uses an online curriculum facilitated by Praesidium Academy to provide the knowledge and expertise needed to nurture welcoming and safe communities. The diocesan course requirements follow the recommendations established by the 2022 General Convention Taskforce. Members update their training every 3 years.
The Diocese requires that the following members complete Safe Church training:
- All Clergy Leaders
- All Children Ministers and Volunteers
- All Youth Ministers and Volunteers
- All Elected Officers
- All Key Holders
- All Lay Leaders
- All Church Staff
- All School Staff
All of our Clergy, Vestry and Staff are trained to keep St. Nicholas a Safe Church